Mastering Modern Alchemy: Embrace Transformation and Higher Frequencies for Spiritual Growth

Be the Conductor of Your Own Life in This New World Energy…

This is the time to align yourself with no doubt and submit to the higher frequency that is available for you. 

Be the alchemist and find the power within- stay present and conscious at the same time developing an expanding view of all that is. This awareness encompasses the probability of a higher spiritual growth manifesting the deeper interconnectedness of body, mind, heart and soul.

Alchemy is the art of transformation, inner liberation and change.

We are being called to make the world a better place starting with our own lives. If we all consider this as a positive duty the accumulation of all that positive energy will collectively transmute the negativity around us. Some of us are still in fear and are not ready to submit to the higher frequency and would rather be in the karmic place of resistance. We must free ourselves from judging those that choose a different path…

In this month blog I will discuss the art of transformation, inner liberation and acceptance of change. I want you to experience the modern-day alchemy through love, abundance and joy in the natural flow of life. 

I want you to be an alchemic master and embrace tranformation and higher frequencies for your spiritual growth.

