Chakra Meditation

Learn to ground. Open your heart. Connect with Soul.

Brand new SHEVA Meditation version including COLOR VIBRATIONS!

Meditation allows the process of self-healing to unfold further by consciously letting go of emotions like fear, anxiety, anger and sadness. When releasing it’s also important to rejuvenate with positive energy, in The Chakra Clearing Meditation I guide you through the process. ​

Chakra Meditation

$ 17
  • Release & Rejuvenate your energy centers.
  • NEW Color Healing Vibrations

is a unique, intuitive healing technique that initiates the power of self-healing and vitality through the chakra system.

It activates the body’s natural energy systems using movement, meditation and intuition.

Clients experience the healing energy of love to remove barriers and gain freedom to live a life of joy, superior health, and purpose.