Timelessness in Stillness is the gift to discover the eternal peace beyond any Karma…
“When you are perfectly calm, time stops. There is no time, karma stops.” Ramana Maharshi
Beloved Friends,
This week, we delve deeper into the mystical relationship between stillness and time. When we discover the secret of true calmness, we touch the eternal moment where all possibilities exist.
The Eternal Now:
In perfect stillness, we transcend the illusion of time. Like a drop of water merging with the ocean, our individual consciousness dissolves into the infinite. This is where karma ceases, where past and future merge into the eternal present.
The Alchemy of Stillness:
Just as an alchemist transforms base metals into gold, our stillness transforms ordinary moments into sacred experiences. When we remain calm, we become spiritual alchemists, transmuting the heavy energies of worry and fear into the gold of divine peace.
Stepping Outside of Time:
Practice finding those moments when time seems to stand still – perhaps in meditation, in nature, or in moments of pure joy. These are glimpses of your true nature, beyond the constraints of linear time.
May you discover the timeless peace that dwells within your heart.
Fran 🌹