Be the Observer: Align with New Moon Energy, Compassion, and Creative Intention
BE THE OBSERVER… I would highly recommend staying on track self-observe in any stressful situation and consider not speaking or
BE THE OBSERVER… I would highly recommend staying on track self-observe in any stressful situation and consider not speaking or
SHEVA Relationship Dynamics: In this amplified time increased emotional sensitivity is up and a challenge for some relationships. That may require
SPIRITUAL REFLECTION: These tremendous cosmic shifts affect all of us like a perfect storm waiting to pass. Is this storm
Take Full Advantage Of This Magical Time! I am composing my March News Letter on February 28th which is not
Your energy is your most valuable asset. It shapes your thoughts, influences your emotions, and determines the way you experience
Fear is one of the greatest barriers to our growth, our joy, and our ability to step into new possibilities.
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