Power Up For Your New Intention
Take Full Advantage Of This Magical Time! I am composing my March News Letter on February 28th which is not
Are you ready to live your life in harmony with the laws of nature and divine beauty? Nature’s design affords an extraordinary healing environment and an opportunity to thrive as we go to the next level of our evolution. Are you ready to fully participate as a co-creator of your world in delight with increased health, prosperity, and unconditional love? If you answered YES, then you are ready to experience the remarkable coherent power of the SHEVA Method’s transformational process.
Unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling life with our SHEVA Mini-course, a transformative three-part journey designed to help you discover and harness your inner power.
Begin shaping the life you deserve, filled with joy, balance, and profound personal growth.
Learn how to tap into the secrets of ancient wisdom with The SHEVA Method to experience harmony in every of area your life. Look for the new online, at home SHEVA Experience, where Fran will guide you through this innovative self-healing technique to restore flow in mind, body, heart and spirit.
Fran Bailey is a gifted dancer, author, extraordinary energy healer, teacher and guide. Since 2002, Fran has channeled her genius into the SHEVA Method with amazing results!
This beautiful book is an invitation to experience thought as energy and how it affects your heart, mind, body and spirit.
Merge with your authentic self who is whole, divinely joyful, expressive, and in love with this life! Let Fran show you the way.
Take Full Advantage Of This Magical Time! I am composing my March News Letter on February 28th which is not
Your energy is your most valuable asset. It shapes your thoughts, influences your emotions, and determines the way you experience
Fear is one of the greatest barriers to our growth, our joy, and our ability to step into new possibilities.
Fran Bailey has refined a method for you to experience your true essence!
© 2024 Copyright SHEVA, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Sheva Method is a registered trademark of SHEVA, LLC.
Sheva Method is a registered trademark of SHEVA, LLC.