Karma Cleanse


Introducing the SHEVA Karma Cleanse, a transformative healing service designed by Fran Bailey to help you release the trapped energy of your lineage and past lifetimes. This unique cleanse is an integral part of the SHEVA Method, focusing on clearing karmic blocks that hinder your spiritual growth and ascension journey. Through this deep and profound healing process, you can free yourself from the burdens of your past, allowing for a more effortless and enlightened path forward.

The SHEVA Karma Cleanse employs advanced energy healing techniques to identify and dissolve karmic imprints that have been carried over through generations and past lives. By addressing these deep-seated issues, you can experience a significant shift in your energy, making space for more light, love, and joy in your life.

Benefits of the SHEVA Karma Cleanse:

  • Release Trapped Energy
  • Enhance Spiritual Ascension
  • Increase Capacity for Light and Love
  • Amplify Joy and Inner Peace
  • Strengthen Emotional and Mental Clarity
  • Improve Overall Well-being

Experience the profound benefits of the SHEVA Karma Cleanse and embark on a journey towards a lighter, more joyful existence. Allow Fran Bailey to guide you through this powerful healing process and unlock your full potential for love, light, and spiritual growth.

After you purchase, Fran will contact you to schedule your session.