SHEVA Professional Tool Kit


You want the best and fastest results possible for yourself and your clients, right?

Well so did Fran Bailey! She was informed by her higher guidance to create these Professional Tools to amplify and anchor the SHEVA energy work.

The Chakra Amplifiers are laminated 8.5 x 11 sheets that you can place under your massage or energy table.

They assist the frequencies to integrate and anchor into the body faster and more fully- allowing the body to remember a healthier and more joyful existance.

  • Use the 7 Laminated Chakra Amplifiers to anchor the energy and absorption of your realignments.
  • Use the SHEVA Color Audio meditation to center and support you before your sessions.
  • Enhance the alignment impact with the Energetic Chakra Activations that Fran received to forify the process.