Receive Divine Light

On Sunday April 30th,  I am offering a free meditation beginning a 12:00pm ET/ 11am Central/10am MT/9am Pacific. 
The title of this clearing meditation is Receive Divine Light. 
Get ready to participate in an amazing experience clearing the organs in the body and calming the nervous system.
Clear so you can:

  • Use Your Body Wisdom to live a Balanced Life
  • Get energetic support
  • Feel the flow of energy moving through your body
  • Experience heart-centered energies
  • Connect and understand the frequencies around you
  • Discover new ways to deal with releasing what no longer serves you

Mark your calendar and save the time and date. Please sign up below. 

Get powerful energetic support during these chaotic times!Join Fran Bailey as she does a powerful group healing using her effective The SHEVA Method process. This is the perfect gift to give yourself or loved ones to release any lingering intense energies to prepare you for riding the energy waves of 2023. It is meditative, purifying, rebalancing, and rejuvenating.

Benefits include:

Blessings occur on all levels of consciousness. We simply have to tune in to experience this truth. When you are in alignment to your core essence, you can activate your full power and create momentum to magnetize your dreams and higher purpose desires.

Open channels to hold more of your Divine Light!

Join us for a life enhancing hour on April 30, 2023!

Sign in below to get your zoom link. 


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Here is a testimonial from Fran’s CoCreator’s Convergence Event, where she did free healings:
“…Not knowing what to expect – or ask for with regard to healing – I chose to ask for a healing for the most pressing situation in my life – namely finding a (permanent) home in Boulder County.  I take it this was an unusual request.
To have a decade-old problem removed (let alone the karmic reparations of past lives) in a few minutes seems impossible but here is what I experienced:
Fran did not blink an eye, but went straight to work with my unorthodox request.  She went deep inside herself to commune with her guides, opened her eyes and stated that “…we would not remove lifetimes of karma concerning money and housing.  She then asked me to contact my own guides, body experience, and lives to find a number.  I “felt” the number 13 pop up immediately.  Fran then told me to create a platform and place 13 discs upon it.  Upon each of the 13 discs I was to place the karnic patterns of a lifetime with regard to struggles of housing – and all the accompanying troubles: finding, moving, money considerations, disappointments, injustices and slights, fear, despair, etc.  Once they were all set up, I was to create a large leather pouch and spread it out under them, which I did.  
The next step was to (gleefully) shoot them into bits and watch the debris drop down into the pouch.  That accomplished, I drew up the laces and closed the pouch.  Next I was instructed to create a rose, a rose with a whirling vortex in its center which would pull the destroyed karmic residue of lifetimes of uncertainty and the chaos that comes with unsteady living situations.  The rose did its work.  Then Fran had me release my current grounding cord, pull down galactic healing energy – a golden liquid light force (which I always experience as amber “honey”) down to my second chakra and join and mingle it with the green grounding cord from the Earth, Herself.
Immediately I felt strong changes taking place.  This extraordinary process – removing multiple lives of disharmony – was accomplished in under five minutes!  Fran scanned me to make sure all was well, smiled and moved on to the next person.  I began to feel powerful energies shifting.  I sat up to write a thank you in the chat, when “poof” I was disconnected from Zoom.  I must have hit a wrong key when typing, and because the meeting was closed I could not reenter the Zoom Session.
There was nothing to do but sit and experience the changes happening to me.  I was bathed in the “honey” of Light, and could feel a tether forming into the ground of Colorado.  I had a major Ah Ha!! moment, as I had never even considered removing a grounding cord, nor had I ever heard of this.  Yet – duh! – how obvious!!  I was still tethered to California prior to this healing, how could I possibly have moved to settle here in Colorado!  Voila – Fran had accomplished this in the blink of an eye!  
For the next hour I could feel … minute lines of energy weaving though my body.  Every part of me was being re-woven with intricate strands of golden light, like an inner cocoon!  It was a clear and distinct sensation, and not one I was imagining.  My body was suspended in a molten honeyed Light, warm and soothing as the light strands kept on with their work.  I felt myself reciting a mantra: “I am free and cleared from the past, I now am receptive and open.”  I kept repeating this, keeping all past thoughts from entering my consciousness.  When I next looked at the time it was 8:30pm.
The feelings of light weaving, honeyed Light, and a new connection to Colorado are still present, and continue to work.  I am chagrined that I did not see the obvious, that connecting to where I used to live,has little use for creating new life situations!  This is a wonderful cosmic joke, which Fran in her wisdom, brought to my attention and removed with an easy remedy.  
So, now facing a “new” future, I feel that it will be different, much more beneficial and am looking forward to my new relationship with Colorado.
So thank you again for this amazing experience and opportunity.  I am sorry to have left early, but as it allowed me to fully experience Fran’s healing in its full and delightful potency, Spirit pulled me off Zoom just for this reason…”
Melissa, Colorado