Staying Grounded: What Does Being Grounded FEEL Like?

The more you practice grounding exercises, the more you recognize your own energy in the present moment.

Feeling at home in your body aura without fear or judgement is the goal. Athletes have a natural connection to the present moment, because they need to be aware of the next movement to perform. Dancers for instance need to know the next choreographed movement to flow with the music, know where they are in space and at the same time be emotionally expressive. 

Good body cues are feeling your legs, feet and where you sit connecting to the ground. So, you can feel stable, at ease and consciously present. As you become more skillful you will be able to stay in your center and observe what is around you at the same time. For instance, if you are having a conflict with someone and a difficult conversation is about to take place. Check in with yourself compose, stand your ground with grace, dignity and fairness. Believe it or not it becomes a game with yourself, trust me the more you have fun with this the more you will experience less stress, fear and doubt. 

In these transformational times, I think we all have questions and concerns about where we are going. All I know is that these skills that I have learned through the years from many different sources have helped me navigate life and its surprises. No one gets off easy, but we are in an amazing time of awakening with new explorations waiting for us. My wish is to provide a bunch of life learning skills for you so you can create your own loving and thriving stable environment going forward.

If you would like to know more about my private sessions, my online classes, my Sheva products, my book Emergence Reveal Your Essence, my body work (Body Is Your Temple and Symmetry) and my new Mandala drawings infused with energy for each chakra, called (The Sheva Professional Tool Kit). Look here for all the Offerings that are designed just for you: