Accelerating Your Shifts with the Sheva Dialogues through the Mind, Body, Heart Centers in 2024!

Put your distractions away and follow this practice with me…

The conscious work we have done in 2023 can now be accelerated to manifest in our daily lives with more clarity and meaning.

We are what we create, it is time to expand what you have already learned in 2023 and put your knowledge and experience to good use. Consider beginning this year with a sense of vulnerability focusing on your inner void and ask yourself the honest question what is missing and how can I create an honest inner dialogue on what I truly need. 

Take responsibility for how you show up in the world. Keep creating space for the love within to partner with your unique experience and see what happens…

Meet yourself by trusting yourself by using the SHEVA Process and unfold to new possibilities for the new you in 2024. Use the Sheva Dialogue and tools to assist in your next conscious journey. Gather your personal experience physically, emotionally, and spiritually and find a new way to unify in 2024.

I will be sharing more insights in the following weeks to help you unify gracefully in 2024 with your Body, Mind, and Spirit.