Finding Balance: Essential Strategies for Staying Grounded in a Hectic World

STAYING GROUNDED! It’s super important to develop essential strategies for staying grounded in a hectic world.

Tips on staying grounded: 

What does staying grounded mean to you?

Does it mean staying present?

Does it mean keeping your Head, Heart, Body connected?

Is there something you do to pull you back into current time?

I can suggest what works for me, but ultimately you run your life and you know what works for you!

Maybe you can relate to some of this…

1. If I am feeling restless, unfocused, impatient.

a. I take a deep breath and ask OK what is up?

b. Is it you are it someone else? 

c. Find a minute to collect and rethink your day.

d. Take a deep breath again and again.

e. No blame or shame find a way to deal and do it.

f. Walk, get physical! Collect yourself and get back on track.


1.That is right, clean your mind, heart and body.

2. As you purge things, you purge…

3. Trust me it brings you right back where you need to be.

4. Keep breathing while in this action of releasing.

5. Stay grounded.

Smell the earth getting ready for spring, and feel the renewed vitality in your whole body, mind and heart. You are part of the earth and its natural evolution, collaborate with her… 

Love Fran🌹