Embracing Change: Understanding Human Metamorphosis in Personal Growth

Metamorphosis-the ability to change form (destroy the old and create the new).

This is the time to work on embracing change while understanding human metamorphosis in personal growth.

I believe unconsciously we are doing this daily at incredible speed just as the universal shifts are occurring at a rapid speed. We as humans can’t help to feel these shifts so why not use this to our advantage and go with the flow. As Amelia Earhart quotes, “The most difficult thing is to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” Love this quote considering what she accomplished with tenacity is remarkable. 

This is the “I can” mentality to break free of patterns, or holding onto what others think of you. Look at how you see yourself not what others think of you. Reach into that third chakra self-image, empowerment and say hello to that authentic you!

Be persistent in keeping she or he present and awake.

Another quote I love from Eleanor Roosevelt, “Remember no one can make you feel inferior without consent.”

I will leave you with this image to help you with your transformation. 

Let unexpected light break open rigid structures of beliefs, thoughts, emotional and or physical pain that stop you from mastering your desired change.

